№ |
Authors Name/s, papers Title |
Part 1. Mechanical Engineering |
| Section 1.1. Machinery and Mechanism Design |
1_1_2 | A.B. Golovanchikov, N.A. Prokhorenko, O.A. Zalipaeva The effect of longitudinal diffusion on the operation parameters of the packed distillation column in emulsification mode |
1_1_4 | Шевченко С.В., Муховатый А.А., Кроль О.С. исследование модифицированной зубчато-ременной передачи обрабатывающего центра |
1_1_5 | V.V. Mazur Theoretical study of the force heterogeneity of airless tires made of elastic polyurethanes |
1_1_6 | A.A. Bazarov, N.V. Bondareva, A.A. Navasardyan Heating system for rigid wedge valves |
1_1_7 | S. Shevchenko, A. Mukhovaty, O. Krol Research of the modified tooth-belt drive for the machining center |
1_1_8 | O. Krol Modified belt transmission with enhanced technical characteristics |
1_1_9 | F.V. Svoykin, V.A. Sokolova, A.A. Borozna Improvement of the timber supply flow at Syktyvkar Plywood Mill LLC by upgrading KKS-10 |
1_1_12 | B.N. Akramov, I.A. Ismatov On the issue of designing cantilever shafts with joint consideration of strength, endurance and rigidity |
1_1_13 | V.M. Medunetskiy, S.Yu. Perepelkina, Yu.S. Andreev Features of the use of structural polymer-composite materials for the manufacture of complex-shaped parts in small-scale production |
1_1_14 | M.V. Abramchuk, V.M. Medunetskiy, V.A. Zinkov Evaluation of the accuracy of gears made of polymer composite materials |
1_1_15 | M. Slobodianskii Lifetime prediction for the jaw crusher by the criterion of toggle fatigue strength based on the application of the kinetic concept of material destruction |
1_1_16 | E.V.Balakina, I.V. Sergienko Development of a necessity and sufficiency scheme for the use of different types of car tire radii in different car modeling tasks |
1_1_17 | E.V. Balakina, M.S. Kochetov, D.S. Sarbaev Assessment of the influence of inclined wheel installation on the vehicle lateral stability |
1_1_19 | K. Syzrantseva, V. Syzrantsev Improvement of computer methods of designing gears with high load capacity |
1_1_21 | A. Bobkov, S. Chepurnykh Evaluating the influence of perforated baffle on hydraulic resistance of impeller machine diffuser channels |
1_1_22 | M.U. Musirov, N.Yu. Kholmanov Investigation of string vibrations of a transporting device |
1_1_24 | I.P. Nikitina, A.N. Polyakov Experimental thermal performance double-sided face grinding machine |
1_1_25 | S.V. Konev, A.S. Fainshtein, I.E. Teftelev Calculating the flexure of circular plates with stiffening rings |
1_1_26 | G.A. Bahadirov, M.I. Nosirov Research and analysis of rational parameters for a conveying mechanism of a multi-operation roller machine |
1_1_27 | T. Kruglova Design of a fault-tolerant sliding formwork complex |
1_1_28 | Зимов Р.В., Брысин А.Н., Микаева С.А., Модернизация кинематики рулевой системы гоночного спортпрототипа феникс |
1_1_29 | A.A. Fedulov, V.P. Antsupov, A.V. Antsupov The methodology of resource forecasting on working rolls of the final stands of the widestrip hot rolling mill |
1_1_31 | A.V. Gritsenko V.D. Shepelev, F.N. Grakov Monitoring the technical condition of the mass air flow sensors and the cylinder-piston group in test modes |
1_1_32 | I.V. Kudryavtsev , O.I. Rabetskaya, A.E. Mityaev Normalization of the support coefficient values at vibration of a straight multi-span beam |
1_1_33 | Yu.I. Brovkina, T.S. Rabicheva, E.A. Petrakova Animation modeling as a method of structural and kinematic synthesis of mechanisms |
1_1_34 | I.V. Kudryavtsev, A.V. Kolotov, A.E. Mityaev Normalization of the effective length factor values at buckling of a straight multi-span beam |
1_1_35 | G.A. Bahadirov, F.R. Rakhimov Analysis of the relationship between the transfer of the mechanism of the multi-operating machine |
1_1_36 | A.F. Denisenko, R.G. Grishin, L.Y. Podkruglyak Formation of contact thermal resistance based on the analysis of the characteristics of the pseudo-medium |
1_1_37 | A.N. Gots, V.S. Klevtsov Method of calculating of the heat-stressed state of the cylinder head of a liquid-cooled diesel engine |
1_1_38 | T. Kruglova Design of a fault-tolerant sliding formwork complex |
1_1_39 | T.A. Mitashova Applying morphing wing for optimization of small-size unmanned aircraft wing |
1_1_40 | A.A. Karelina, D.V. Chernik, A.Y. Karnauhov Using a chipper without felling wood when improvement cutting middle-aged plantings |
1_1_41 | E.G. Demyanenko, I.P. Ророv , A.S. Kuznetsov Modeling of the heat setting process in order to eliminate defects in the obtained part |
1_1_42 | G. Kornilov, O. Filatova, I. Abdulveleev Study and improvement of operation of the planetary gear reducers of the cold rolling mill tension leveler |
1_1_43 | I.M. Shandybina, A.M. Makarov, M.P. Kukhtik The development and study of a general-service automatically controlled weighing batcher |
1_1_44 | A.V. Gritsenko, V.D. Shepelev, V.N. Nikolaev A Study of the technical condition of mass airflow sensors in test modes at varying ICE crankshaft speeds |
1_1_46 | A.N. Polyakov, V.V. Pozevalkin, I.P. Nikitina Feature of predicting the thermal characteristics of machine tools using feedforward neural networks |
1_1_47 | E. Shirokikh, D. Sinitsyn, A. Popov Experimental determination of the kinematic accuracy of a planetary oblique-toothed cycloidal gearbox |
1_1_48 | Yu.M. Lyashenko, E.A. Revyakina, G.V. Lukyanova Developing a Mathematical Model of Interaction of a Conveyor-Bottom Bucket Working Body with the Soil |
1_1_52 | N.S. Chashchin, A.P. Koval, A.S. Gruzdev A study of vacuum assisted resin injection for molding hard-to-reach locations in the manufacture of parts |
1_1_53 | G.V. Voronov, I.V. Glukhov Physicochemical Properties of Natural Gas and Oxygen Combustion Products at Diffusion and Kinetic Burning |
1_1_54 | V.V. Boldyrev, M.A. Gorkavyy Development of the solar collector orientation mechanism design |
1_1_55 | M.N. Ubaydulloev, M.N. Serazutdinov Simulation and calculation of stress-strain state of thin-walled structures strengthened under load |
1_1_56 | A.V. Vladimirov, G.A. Orlov Assessment of the quality of the coupling billet for tubing |
1_1_57 | N. Buzalo, B. Chernykhovsky, A. Alekseeva Numerical modeling of steel structures connections |
1_1_58 | G.V. Voronov, I.V. Glukhov Natural gas burning with process oxygen in up-to-date arc steel furnace operating space |
1_1_59 | V. Syzrantsev, A. Pazyak Methods for minimum clearances calculating in a multiple-teeth contact of straight bevel precessional gears |
1_1_60 | I. Bzhikhatlov, P. Simonov Design of the robotic arm using 3D printed parts |
1_1_70 | A.E. Sarafanov, L.V. Radionova, R.A. Lisovskiy Development of a tool for roller drawing a hexagonal profile from X10CrNi18-10 steel |
1_1_71 | A.V. Bryk, L.A. Glebov, L.V. Radionova, M.A. Zhludov Evaluation of the pierced mandrel operational properties for hot rolling of pipes |
| Section 1.2. Dynamics of Machines and Working Processes |
1_2_2 | D.S. Shestakov, L.V. Plotnikov Influence of the fuel injection advance angle on the technical and environmental performance of a diesel engine (21/21) with a turbocharger |
1_2_3 | A. Startcev, S. Romanov, I. Storozhev Evaluation of the effect of longitudinal forces on the Stability of straight-line movement of a Tractor unit |
1_2_4 | A.N. Savoskin, A.P. Vasilev Fluctuations of a simplified railway vehicle model as a system with one degree of freedom with a nonlinear restoring force |
1_2_5 | L.V. Plotnikov, Yu.M. Brodov, L.E. Osipov Evaluation of the main indicators of piston engine with an improved gas exchange system by modeling |
1_2_6 | I.V. Dolotovskij Energy-efficient vertical kiln for the firing of ceramic |
1_2_9 | E.S. Evtukh, G.A. Neklyudova Identification of parameters of a sub-rail base in the computer system “wheel-railway track” |
1_2_10 | G.E. Evtukh, A.Yu. Androsov, V.V. Gorbachev Aerodynamic and numerical studies of the flow in the relief surface seals |
1_2_11 | V.A. Krutova, I. A. Yaitskov A mathematical model for the asynchronous drive of the overhead travelling crane |
1_2_12 | D.V. Furmanov, N.E. Lysakov, L.M. Shamahov Study of asphalt milling workflow dynamics |
1_2_13 | S. Plotnikov, Sh. Buzikov, A. Birukov Environmental properties evaluation of spark-ignition engines running on water/fuel mix |
1_2_14 | A. Malozemov, A. Naumov, A. Shavlov Trinkler cycle analysis with maximum pressure limitation |
1_2_15 | I.S. Tyuremnov, A.S. Morev Simulation of different vibration modes of a drum in continuous compaction control systems of soil by vibratory rollers |
1_2_16 | E.N. Kashirskaya, S.V. Antonov, I.A. Ganichev The dynamic model of unbalanced grinding wheel |
1_2_18 | A.M. Nabiev Combined extraction of liquid from wet leather semi-finished products |
1_2_19 | G.N. Tsoy Experimental determination of the influence of fibrous material on the dehydration of wet semi-finished leather product |
1_2_21 | A.V. Christoforova, V.S. Popov, A.A. Popova Modeling nonlinear oscillations for the wall of a narrow channel interacting with viscous liquid |
1_2_22 | Z.A. Rakhimova Study of the base plate motion between the pairs of shafts |
1_2_23 | Tint Naing Win, V.M. Alakin Study of the influence of body roll on lateral stability when maneuvering and cornering |
1_2_24 | R.I. Rakhmatov, V.E. Krutolapov, A.G. Vetoshnikov Improvement of turbocharger aeroacoustic performance when opening wastegate |
1_2_25 | R.I. Rakhmatov, V.E. Krutolapov, R.H. Kurmaev Cooling system axial fan design calculation and optimization in terms of tonal noise |
1_2_26 | R.I. Rakhmatov, V.E. Krutolapov, G.G. Nadareishvili Research and improvement of muffler acoustic characteristics with regard to thermodynamic characteristics of exhaust gas flow with aeroacoustic sources |
1_2_28 | A.V. Eliseev, N.K. Kuznetsov, A.S. Mironov System views on the features of the dynamics of elements of oscillatory structures |
1_2_30 | A.D. Bardovsky, I.I. Basyrov, L.M. Valeeva Study of the vibration separation of mineral raw materials |
1_2_32 | A. Terekhin, A. Martyanov, D. Ismagilov Influence of the incoming flow velocity to the error of the orientation angle of a horizontal-axial wind turbine |
1_2_33 | M.O. Sinitsa, E.V. Tumakova, A.S. Komshin Some features of measurements of dynamic characteristics of heavy machinery objects during operation in the Far North |
1_2_34 | E. Bazhenov, A. Zelenin, D. Chernyshev Dynamic coupling between links of articulated transport systems |
1_2_35 | A R Buranshin, D A Godovskiy, A P Tokarev Comparative evaluation of the compressor-ejector unit’s designs for gas evacuation during repair of the main gas pipeline |
1_2_37 | A.Yu. Abalyaev, A.A. Gavrilov, A.N. Gots The algorithm of calculation of the four- stroke turbocharged diesel engine cycle using the compressor efficiency map |
1_2_40 | I.A. Krivosheev, N.B. Simonov, K.E. Rozhkov Analysis of the possibility and feasibility of using the clocking effect in the design of compressors and turbines of gas turbine engines |
1_2_41 | A.V. Pozdeev, I.M. Ryabov, N.V. Timoshin Analysis of the smooth running of wheeled suspensionless vehicles in various operating conditions |
1_2_42 | I.M. Ryabov, A.V. Pozdeev, V.V. Erontaev Improvement of the performance properties of the wheel with a pneumatic tire due to the internal elastic damping system |
1_2_43 | A.Yu. Barykin, M.M. Mukhametdinov, R.Kh. Takhaviev Drive axle of vehicle and environment impact |
1_2_44 | O.V. Repetckii, V.V. Nguyen, Bernd Beirow Numerical and experimental research of intentional mistuning of an academic bladed disk using sensitivity analysis |
1_2_45 | A.N. Gots, V.F. Guskov Reducing fuel consumption during diesel engine operation on idle mode |
1_2_46 | I.N. Ryzhikov, O.V. Repetckii, V.V. Nguyen Numerical analysis of dynamics and fatigue life of the turbomachine impeller with mistuning |
1_2_47 | A.N. Savkin, A.A. Sedov, K.A. Badikov Fatigue crack growth estimation in low-alloy steel under random loading in middle section of fatigue diagram |
1_2_49 | M.Yu. Elagin, R.N. Khmelev Mathematical simulation of car dynamics with account of air conditioning system |
1_2_51 | A. Tokarev, S. Spirin, A. Valeev Determination of the hydrodynamic vibration frequencies in the main pump pipings |
1_2_52 | K.V. Zhegera, N.A. Petuhova, E.A. Samigullina Mathematical planning of the experiment in product design |
1_2_53 | E. Ustinova Modeling the laying material trajectory on the technological mandrel surface specified by an irregular spatial points set |
1_2_54 | D.N. Demyanov, I.M. Hazipov Estimation of the total road load coefficient for a road train |
1_2_55 | N. Gabdrakhmanova Artificial intelligence in the problems of organizational control and planning of electric power consumption in oil pipeline transportation |
1_2_56 | I. Vaydetskaya,S. Kochetkov Control of a mobile cart with two traction rear wheels and a free front wheel |
1_2_57 | I.A. Gurin, N.A. Spirin, V.V. Lavrov Predictive algorithm for tuyere areas parameters and control over the distribution of blast parameters around a blast furnace |
1_2_58 | D. Randin, A. Abakumov, A. Goryachkin Research of a nonlinear vibration isolation system with a controlled magnetorheological damper |
| Section 1.3. Friction, Wear, and Lubrication in Machines |
1_3_1 | A.V. Muratov, V.V. Lyashenko Estimating the level of friction and wear in gas-powered diesel engines |
1_3_2 | Y.I. Krykhtin, V.I. Karlov The analysis of new manufacturing methods dry friction powder articles with fe-based materials |
1_3_4 | A.Davydov, V. Broido Welding technology in the manufacture, repair and restoration of large castings made of high-manganese steel |
1_3_5 | A. Esbulatova, K. Voinov Influence of the rate composition for the chemical elements in the steel parts on the serviceability of the pairs of friction |
1_3_6 | R.V. Banin, V.A. Butorin, I.B. Tsarev The influence of agricultural production factors on the rate of changing the radial clearance in the electric motor bearings when working with V-belt transmission |
1_3_7 | A. Bolotov, O. Novikova, V. Novikov The influence of structural components of diamond-bearing mineral ceramic abrasive material on its cutting ability and the treated surface quality |
1_3_8 | M.A. Mukutadze, Е.O. Lagunova Mathematical model of a lubricant in a bearing with a fusible coating on the pilot and irregular slider profile |
1_3_9 | А.M. Mukutadze, A.N. Opatskikh, V.M. Prikhodko Micropolar lubricants in a bearing with a low-melting base ring coating and a porous slider surface coating |
1_3_10 | K. Gavrilov, A. Doikin, M. Izzatulloev Experimental evaluation of the influence of microgeometry on the tribological characteristics of a radial plain bearing |
1_3_11 | A. Fetisov, A. Kornaev, V. Tyurin1 Modeling the magnetorheological fluid flow between parallel plates under an external magnetic field |
1_3_12 | D.V. Tsukanov, G.S. Sevalnev, N.N. Zubkov Surface modification of AISI 321 steel by solid lubricants |
1_3_13 | I.A. Mayba Technical requirements for lubricating flanges devices of locomotive wheel sets |
1_3_14 | A. Izotov, V. Timoshenko, S. Izotov Improving the reliability of the sliding-current assembly for electrical machines by using a non-conductive grinding brush |
| Section 1.4. Design and Manufacturing Engineering of Industrial Facilities |
1_4_1 | N.V. Vulykh, Y.A. Alekseeva Computer simulation of microprofile strain under orthogonal impact under constrained load. Part 2 |
1_4_2 | V.F. Bulavin, T.G. Bulavina, V.V. Yahrichev Design of ultrasonic auxiliary equipment |
1_4_3 | A.S. Kalashnikov, Yu. А. Morgunov, N.В. Khomyakova Reduction of vibroacoustic characteristics of generating bevel and hypoid gears |
1_4_4 | I.N. Khaimovich, K.S. Morozova Development of an algorithm for the airfoil profile blank part formation for compressor blades in a computer-aided design system |
1_4_5 | к.с. морозова, и.н. хаймович Разработка алгоритма формирования гладкого профиля пера заготовки компрессорной лопатки в системе автоматизированного проектирования |
1_4_6 | I. Yunakov Implementing the Industry 4.0 concept in the information system at the preproduction stage |
1_4_7 | S.R. Shekhtman, N.A. Sukhova Study of the influence of ion bombardment on the quality of coatings obtained by the vacuum arc deposition |
1_4_8 | L. Mironova, L. Kondratenko Residual stress formation during Steel tubes expansion |
1_4_10 | Y.P. Serdobintsev, M.P. Kukhtik, M.A. Lapikov Theoretical evaluation of contact stiffness for flat rough surfaces of slide-ways with Greens function |
1_4_11 | S.V. Sergeev, Yu.S. Sergeev, A.V. Kononistov Subtract simulators to verify hole-making precision of control programs: an improvement in computer-aided process engineering systems |
1_4_13 | A.A. Kulikov, M.V. Grechneva, A.E. Balanovskiy On the influence of process parameters on the quality of the additively manufactured steel components |
1_4_14 | A.S. Yamnikov, M.N.Bogomolov Min axial interference measurement in elastic elements of vibration-damping mandrels for thin-wall shell |
1_4_15 | O.Yu. Kazakova, L.B. Gasparova Experimental determination of the operational characteristics of the automatic tool changer (ATC) |
1_4_16 | M.A. Kossukhina, O.A. Shvetsova, N.I. Zaozerskaya Smart factory in the era of fourth industrial revolution |
1_4_17 | L.L. Safarova, A.A. Malikov, A.S. Yamnikov Justification of rational design and process parameters of a diesel cylinder honing |
1_4_18 | E.I. Shchurova Radial force calculation at the start of drilling operation using the SPG method |
1_4_19 | A.D. Almawash, P.P. Pereverzev Model of machining error for the circular external plunge grinding taking into account the dynamic features of process |
1_4_20 | V.A. Nosenko, A.V. Fetisov, V.G. Karpov Silicon carbide crystal wear area at micro-scratching of zirconium, niobium and molybdenum at a speed of 60 m/s |
1_4_21 | V.P. Larshin, N.V. Lishchenko, S.M. Uminsky Complex-shaped parts grinding allowance tactile measurement |
1_4_22 | E.I. Shchurova, P.G. Mazein Design of a magnetic clamp for a high-rigid manipulating robot for machining of precise parts |
1_4_23 | V.E. Lelyukhin, O.V. Kolesnikova, E.V. Ruzhitskaya The Geometry of Non-ideal Objects in Process Engineering for Processing Parts on Machine Tools |
1_4_24 | T.A. Levina, Е.V. Safonov, То Маn Hung Analysis of methods and measuring instruments used for super alloy products (obtained by SLM-method) surface layer quality evaluation |
1_4_25 | A. Loginov, I. Obabkov Product structure transformation |
1_4_26 | D.L. Okladnikov, V.A. Zeer, E.V. Grazhdantsev Development of a mathematical model of electromechanical dampers with a regenerative effect in vehicle wheel suspensions |
1_4_27 | A.F. Denisenko, M.V. Yakimov, K.R. Borisova Anisotropy of the radial stiffness of the boring of the headstock body of a lathe |
1_4_28 | D.S. Lavrinov, S.V. Pokazanev The analysis of the measurement system accuracy based on 2D laser optical micrometer when measuring API pipe thread pitch and height |
1_4_29 | I. Madyshev, V. Kharkov, I. Sannikov Study of heat and mass transfer effectiveness during cooling of circulating water in evaporation section of three-flow cooling tower |
1_4_30 | I.P. Balabanov, V.D. Ponomareva, O.N. Balabanova Intelligent automated accessory tool selection system |
1_4_31 | O.A. Shvetsova, V.M. Levina, A.D. Kuzmina Perspectives of smart factory development and maturity model |
1_4_32 | V.P. Antipin, M.Ya. Durmanov, O.A. Mikhailov Energy consumption for the utilization of the tangential traction force in the transport mode of the agricultural machine-tractor aggregate |
1_4_33 | M.Ya. Durmanov, B.G. Martynov, S.V. Spiridonov Tangential traction components in an agricultural tractor-implement unit in transport mode |
1_4_34 | Солохненко В.В., Бурцев Д.С., Пономарев А.А. Методика определения целесообразности применения кокильного литья при мелкосерийном производстве |
1_4_35 | Е.V. Krasnova, B.P. Saushkin, B.V. Shandrov Pre-production engineering in additive manufacturing |
1_4_36 | V.V. Solokhnenko, D.S. Burtsev, A.A. Ponomarev A technique for determining the feasibility of chill casting in small-scale production |
1_4_37 | A.N. Grechukhin, V.V. Kuts, P.S. Shcherbakov Algorithm for dividing a volume model into curvilinear layers for 3D printing |
1_4_38 | R.G. Safin, D.B. Prosvirnikov, G.R. Arslanova Parametric multidimensional modeling of extraction processes in the wood chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries |
1_4_39 | D.B. Prosvirnikov Modeling of the properties of wood-composite materials by parametric identification |
1_4_42 | S. Zryachev, S. Larin Creating of a decision support system for after-sales support of aircraft |
1_4_43 | Tran Dinh Van, M.V. Vartanov, Nguyen Van Dung Study robotic assembly conditions of profile shafts |
| Section 1.5. Transport and Technological Machines |
1_5_1 | S.V. Streltsov, V.A. Ryzhikov, D.Z. Machitadze Dynamic damping of vibrations in the suspension of cars |
1_5_2 | E.M. Zimin, V.V. Martishkin Calculating the reliability of technical products based on General quality management methods |
1_5_3 | А. Anishchenko, V. Kukhar, I. Oginskiy Design and durability of roller assemblies in sintering machines |
1_5_4 | A.M. Zabaturin, M.V. Vakulenko Bladeless air cooler |
1_5_6 | A.Ch. Khatagov, S.B. Adzhimanbetov, Z.A. Khatagov Conceptual design methodology of electric vehicle traction drive |
1_5_8 | L.V. Konchina, M.G. Kulikova, K.B. Tulegenova Modeling of the stress-deformed state of working bodies of technological equipment |
1_5_9 | Ya. Liberman, O. Lukashuk On designs of trench rotary excavators |
1_5_10 | A.F. Burkov, V.V. Mikhanoshin, Nguen Van Ha Energy losses in electrical networks |
1_5_12 | A.V. Lagerev, I.A. Lagerev, V.I. Tarichko Kinematic and force analysis of the end tower positioning mechanism at mobile ropeway |
1_5_14 | D. Kushaliyev, A. Tureshova, A. Begaliyeva Innovative repair kit for vehicle units |
1_5_15 | S. Staroletov Modeling the anti-lock braking system in Scilab and its checking for compliance with uniform requirements |
1_5_16 | Marek Maj, A. Rybak, Yu. Tyulyaeva Technology and equipment increasing the efficiency of the mixture transportation and the quality of the created fill mass |
1_5_17 | O. Lukashuk, K. Letnev, V. Makarova Modeling the process of rock excavation with a front-shovel operational equipment of open-pit excavators |
1_5_18 | K.K. Abishev, A.Zh. Kassenov, K.B. Assylova Design justification of half-track propulsor of traction and transport vehicle |
1_5_19 | M.M. Litvinova, D.V. Chernik , Ya. S. Goncharova Analytical review of the engines of modern forest machines |
1_5_21 | B.I. Kovalskiy, N.N. Lysyannikova, A.N. Sokolnikov Method for determining the energy connection between products temperature resistance of motor oils |
1_5_22 | N.N. Lysyannikova, E.G. Kravtsova, M.A. Kovaleva Study of the influence of temperature and oxidation processes on the viscosity of motor oils |
1_5_23 | A. Asanov, I. Myshkina On the use of ontological approach to the advanced driver-assistance system design |
1_5_24 | P.V. Sirotin, I.Yu. Lebedinsky, M.V. Perushkin An analytical method for calculating the natural frequencies of the cab carrier systems vibrations of transport and technological machines |
1_5_25 | A.A. Maslyakova, A.P. Amosov, T.V. Tetyueva Recommendations for increasing the durability of oilfield pipes working in aggressive СО2 containing environment |
1_5_26 | I.M. Kochnev, S.V. Kondakov, G. V. Lomakin Comparison of the methodologies for calculating recuperative heat exchangers |
1_5_27 | Yu.B. Shchemeleva Selection of conveyor equipment as a multicriteria task |
1_5_28 | V.N. Moskvitin, E.V. Zenkov Autonomous technological platform with a walking movement mechanism |
| Section 1.6. Mechanical Treatment of Materials |
1_6_1 | S.A. Zaides, V.A. Pham, N.M Bobrovskij The flat surfaces local loading feed impact on the surface layer stress state |
1_6_2 | T.A. Tolmacheva, V.V. Kuts, S.A. Mikhailova Reducing the heat load on the workpiece when boring holes with a rotating tool block |
1_6_4 | E.N. Baksheeva, A.S. Belomestnykh, R.V. Kononenko Parametric analysis of operations of milling the edges of aircraft parts with a robotic complex |
1_6_5 | Yu. Bagaiskov, N. Ushakov Physical and mechanical parameters of gear hones with modified epoxy-polymer bond |
1_6_6 | T.A. Tolmacheva, V.V. Kuts, Yu.А. Malneva Construction of a regression model of the height of residual scallops when boring internal holes with a rotating tool block based on the results of virtual modeling |
1_6_7 | A.A. Volkovskiy, V.F. Makarov The study of grinding polymer composite material |
1_6_8 | T.V. Gavrilenko Technological characteristics of thermoplastics machining process |
1_6_9 | O.V. Malkov, A.S. Karelskiy Cutting force analysis during thread milling |
1_6_10 | E. Kashirskaya, V. Serebryankin, M. Klyagin The waviness control algorithm surface grinding |
1_6_11 | M.Yu. Polyanchikova, V.A. Nosenko Black silicon carbide-based single-component abrasive tools (SCAT): features of manufacturing |
1_6_12 | S. Isaev, O. Erenkov Modeling of wood macrostructure in the technology of its cutting |
1_6_13 | V.G. Gusev Face milling productivity increase on the basis of the combined tool |
1_6_14 | J. Drozdova, A. Syritsky Processing of phase-chronometric measurement information for the purpose of monitoring the parameters of the turning process |
1_6_15 | V.G. Gusev Vibration and deviation from the roundness of parts at centerless grinding with a wide textured wheel |
1_6_16 | V.A. Kuznetsov, E.E. Alenina, T.S. Mochalova Optimization of technological processes of manufacturing and repairing of parts based on the power of the processes performed |
1_6_17 | Le Tri Vinh, V.P. Koltsov, V.B. Rakitskaya Improving the efficiency of grinding with cylindrical flap wheels of surfaces with double curvature |
1_6_18 | A.S. Pyatykh, А.V. Savilov A study of vibration measuring devices used in the edge cutting machining |
1_6_19 | A.G. Serebrennikova, A.V. Savilov A study of effects of the cutting tool geometry on the output parameters when turning VT22 titanium alloy |
1_6_23 | Y.N. Ivanov, N.S. Chashchin, A.A. Pashkov A study of cryogenic cooling when reaming holes in CFRP / Ti / Al stacks |
1_6_24 | A.A. Bazarov, A.A. Navasardian, N.V. Bondareva Processes modeling in a silicon induction crystallizer |
1_6_28 | A.I. Dronov, S.V. Parshin Modeling of a Kellies manufacturing process |
1_6_29 | I.N. Sedinin V.F. Makarov, M.V. Pesin Investigation of face milling of hardened steel with the determination of the optimal and productive cutting conditions using the analytical-graphic method, provided that the specified quality of the processed surface is ensured |
1_6_30 | E.A. Saltanaeva, A.V. Maister Ultrasound intensification for combined firmware of deep orifices |
1_6_40 | Д.В. Перевозчиков Исследование влияния неравномерности деформации на неоднородность микроструктуры горячекатаных труб из стали 08Х18Н10Т |
| Section 1.7. Industrial Hydraulic Systems |
1_7_1 | V. Sokolov Dynamics of positioning process for hydraulic drive output link by distributor with closed center |
1_7_2 | V. Sokolov Criteria analysis of diffusion processes in channels of industrial ventilation systems |
1_7_3 | N.A. Fomenko, A.A. Sukhov, S.G. Artemova Pneumatic lock of the hydraulic drive of machine working attachments |
1_7_4 | E.K. Naumov, D.M. Strelkova, O.A. Nasibullina Modernization of the irrigation system of the filter cloth of the vacuum drum filter |
1_7_5 | I.R. Chinyaev, A.V. Fominykh, A.V. Telminov Gate valve with internal bypass |
1_7_6 | I.R. Chinyaev, A.V. Fominykh, E.A. Ilinykh Method for determining the closing time of the shut-off valve |
1_7_7 | S.V. Rakulenko, V.I. Grishchenko, M.S. Poleshkin Adaptive feed drive of a mobile machine with hydraulic pump and motor control circuit |
1_7_8 | N.A. Merentsov, А.V. Persidskiy, A.B. Golovanchikov Hydraulic control systems for packing blocks of mass exchange apparatus. Part I. Systems of smooth adaptive control for absorption, distillation, wet gas emissions cleaning |
1_7_9 | N.A. Merentsov, А.V. Persidskiy, A.B. Golovanchikov Hydraulic control systems for packing blocks of mass exchange apparatus. Part 2. Impulse control systems for pulse liquid extraction processes and liquid-phase catalytic reactors |
| Section 1.8. Green Manufacturing |
1_8_1 | A.V. Muratov, V.V. Lyashenko, D.S. Bardin How Eco fuels affect the toxicity of exhaust gas from power plants in transports |
1_8_3 | Iu. Savchenko, V. Kozechko, A. Shapoval Method for accelerating diffusion processes when borating structural steels |
1_8_4 | Yu. Shmelov, A. Bazyk, N. Kitsel Research of parametric influence of light-emitting diodes on the multicomponent module near-field illuminated zone formation |
1_8_5 | P.I. Kalandarov, Z.M. Mukimov, A.M. Nigmatov Automatic devices for continuous moisture analysis of industrial automation systems |
1_8_8 | V. Merzlikin, S. Parshina, V. Marynenko Universal effect of subsurface thermal radiant overheating for semitransparent materials and natural media |
1_8_10 | L.A. Ilina, A.А. Shagarova, I.A. Belyakov Efficiency assessment for new designs of stirring devices to obtain stable emulsions |
1_8_11 | I.V. Pchelnikov, R.V. Israilov, A.S. Pchelnikova Non-waste technology for sodium hypochlorite production |
1_8_12 | M.Yu. Karelina, V.S. Ershov, A.S. Brzhezinsky Synthesis of new corrosion inhibitors based on boron ethyl amines, fatty acids and benzotriazole for the agricultural machinery preservation |
Part 2. Materials Engineering and Technologies for Production and Processing |
| Section 2.1. Polymers, Composites and Ceramics |
2_1_1 | V.I. Loganina Assessment of the Mechanism of Adhesive Destruction Coatings |
2_1_2 | V.I. Loganina, Bassam S.D. Al Saedi Fastness of Protective and Decorative Coatings Construction Products and Structures to the Action of Wind |
2_1_3 | A.N. Shulgin, O.A. Chuprina, V.V. Pykhov Influence of Tool Blunting on the Value of the Axial Component of the Cutting Force and the Drilling Process |
2_1_4 | G.D. Shakirova, N.V. Romanova, L.N. Shafigullin Studies of the Influence of High Temperatures and Aggressive Media on the Performance Properties of O-Rings Used in the Automotive Industry |
2_1_5 | L.N. Shafigullin, N.V. Romanova, G.R. Shafigullina Studies if the Influence of Expandable Graphite on the Properties of Polyurethane Foams |
2_1_6 | A.M. Kuzmin, N. Ayrilmis, V.N. Vodyakov Mechanical Properties of Barley Straw/HDPE Composites Produced with Extrusion Process |
2_1_7 | P.V. Matyukhin, D.I. Mirzoev The Research of Iron Containing Wastes Modification Process of Leninabad Rare Metals Plant |
2_1_8 | D.I. Artyukhov, N.V. Kiselev, D,I. Zheleznov Preparation of Composite Based on Ethylene-co-vinyl Acetate Copolymers Filled with K2O-NiO-TiO2 Ceramics and Its Electrical Properties |
2_1_9 | V.A. Beregovoi, A.M. Beregovoi Hyper-Pressed Composites from Recycling Products of Aerated Concrete Waste |
2_1_10 | O.V. Burlachenko, O.G. Chesnokova, T.F. Cherednichenko The Usage of Modern Inorganic Composite Material in the Design of Insulation of Unheated Smoke-Free Stairwells |
2_1_11 | V.E. Shvarczkopf, I.A. Pavlova, E.P. Farafontova Utilization of Porcelain Tile Polishing Residue |
2_1_12 | V.M. Razgulyaeva, I.A. Pavlova, E.P. Farafontova Felsite in Ceramic Materials Production |
2_1_13 | K.A. Timakova, Yu.T. Panov, E.A. Timakov Influence of Fillers on the Viscosity Properties of One-Pack Polyurethane Sealants |
2_1_14 | Z.G. Sakoshev, A.N. Blaznov, V.V. Firsov A Study on Chemical Ageing of Composite Ribbed GFRP Bars under Load |
2_1_15 | E.N. Gryadynova, A.V. Gorin, A.Yu. Rodichev Research of the Mechanical Properties of the Filament from the Percentage of Filling when Prototyping Machine Parts |
2_1_16 | V.N. Zyryanova, E.V. Lytkina, A.P. Ochur-ool Improving Water Resistance of Magnesium Binding Substances by the Introduction of Mineral Fillers |
2_1_17 | D.A. Nechaev, A.Yu. Omarov, N.V. Ivanov Structure and Phase Composition of Ceramics Made of Powder Obtained by Chemical Dispersion of V95 Alloy |
2_1_18 | D. Vinnik, S. Mahadevan, P. Sharma Magnetic Study on Divalent Ion Substituted Barium Hexaferrites |
2_1_19 | E.N. Eremin, E.A. Khorova, E.A. Strizhak Functional Properties of Elastomers Based on Butadiene-Nitrile Rubbers |
2_1_20 | O.A. Baev, Yu.M. Kosichenko, A.Yu. Garbuz Composite Polymer Coatings for Repair of Concrete Linings of Channels |
2_1_22 | V.I. Kuz’min, V.I. Lysak, E.V. Kuz’min Investigation of Deformation Work in Layers of Explosion-Welded Composite Al-Cr-St3 |
2_1_23 | G.A. Sabirova, R.R. Safin, N.R. Galyavetdinov Mathematical Model for Determining the Colorimetric Characteristics of Composite Materials Based on PLA and Wood Filler |
2_1_24 | K.Sh. Aryngazin, A.V. Bogomolov, A.K. Tleulessov Innovational Construction Materials of LLP “EcostroyNII-PV” Production |
2_1_25 | N.А. Olivenko, O.A. Kudryavtsev, M.V. Zhikharev Experimental Study of Tensile Preloading Influence on the Mechanical Behaviour of Pseudo-Ductile Hybrid Composite under High-Velocity Impact |
2_1_26 | V.E. Eremyashev, G.G. Korinevskaya, D.A. Zherebtsov Effect of Phosphorus on Crystallization of Alkaline Molybdenum-Containing Borosilicate Glasses |
2_1_27 | E.V. Leshkov, S.B. Sapozhnikov, O.A. Kudryavtsev Experimental and Computational Study of Ultra-Low-Cycle Fatigue of Fabric-Reinforced GFRP |
2_1_28 | S.V. Lapshina To Problem of Filler Failure in Processing of Fiber-Reinforced Materials |
2_1_29 | Ch.B. Kongar-Syuryun, A.E. Adigamov, J. Rybak Algorithm for Choice a Development System and Selection of the Optimal Fill Material |
2_1_32 | V.S. Rudnov, E.S. Gerasimova, R.F. Fakhertdinova Deformation and Strength Characteristics for the Calculation of Structures Based on Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Composites |
2_1_33 | D.D. Fazullin Composite Membranes with a Cellulose Acetate Working Layer on a Nylon Substrate |
2_1_34 | E.Kh. Akhmedshin, D.D. Vlasov, N.A. Tatus? The Effect of Hole Manufacturing Technology on the Strength of Orthogonally Reinforced Fibrous Composites |
2_1_36 | R.R. Khasanshin, R.R. Safin, Sh.R. Mukhametzyanov Experimental Studies of the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Glued Building Materials Based on Modified Veneer |
2_1_37 | V.A. Beregovoi, D.S. Sorokin, A.M. Beregovoi Glass-Crystalline Materials of a Cellular Structure, Formed by Vibration Foaming Technology |
2_1_38 | A.V. Тepikina, S.G. Vlasova Inorganic Composites Luminophors in Lithium-Borate Glasses with Rare-Earth Elements For White-Emitting Diodes |
2_1_39 | V.A. Perfilov Modified Composite Fine-Grained Concrete |
2_1_40 | I.A. Nasyrov, D.D. Fazullin, G.V. Mavrin Influence of Particle Size Distribution of Wood Waste Pyrolysis Product on Productivity and Purification Efficiency |
2_1_42 | V.V. Barakhtenko, T.H. Sahabutdinova, Yu.V. Novikov Comparative Analysis of the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Composites with Functional Fillers Based on Waste |
2_1_43 | R.S. Masnyj, S.M. Vasilev, O.A. Baev Polymer and Geocomposite Impervious Screen Reliability Assessment |
2_1_44 | A.V. Sobachkin, A.A. Sitnikov, A.Yu. Myasnikov Effect of Mechanical Activation and Gamma-Irradiation on Structural-Phase State of Ti-Al-C Powder Reagents |
2_1_45 | P.B. Severov Mechanical Behavior of Active and Passive Strain Sections in CFRP Laminate under Uniaxial Tension |
2_1_46 | E.S. Bochkarev, D.S. Vostrikov, O.O. Tuzhikov Ozone Resistance of Vulcanizates Based on XNB Rubber |
2_1_47 | A.V. Sobachkin, M.V. Loginova, V.Yu. Filimonov Features of High-Temperature Synthesis in Clad Mechanocomposites of Ti-Al System |
2_1_48 | E.S. Dergunova, G.S. Dedyaev, M.A. Goncharova Effective Polymer Protective Coatings |
2_1_49 | E.Kh. Akhmedshin, D.D. Vlasov, N.A. Tatus? The Effect of Hole Manufacturing Technology on the Strength of Orthogonally Reinforced Fibrous Composites |
2_1_51 | A.M. Kokurov Composite and Metal Structural Elements Joint Strength |
2_1_52 | Гольцман Б.М., Яценко Л.А., Гольцман Н.С. исследование процессов вспенивания силикатного сырья при использовании смеси порообразователей |
2_1_53 | A.A. Sitnikov, V.I. Yakovlev, A.A. Popova Surfacing of Ti-Al System Mechanocomposites by Magnetron Deposition |
| Section 2.2. Steels and Alloys, Metallurgical and Metalworking Technologies |
2_2_1 | A. Volokitin, I. Volokitina, E. Panin New Die Design for High-Pressure Torsion |
2_2_2 | L.A. Makrovets, O.V. Samoilova, I.V. Bakin Thermodynamic Assessment of Phase Equilibria in the Sro–Al2O3 System |
2_2_5 | V.N. Pustovoit, Yu.V. Dolgachev The Formation Energy of Martensite Nuclei and the Phase Transition Kinetics Under the Action of an External Magnetic Field |
2_2_6 | N.V. Vodolazskaya, O.A. Sharaya Research of Alternative Options for Strengthening Surface Treatment of Cast Iron Products |
2_2_7 | Yu.B. Egorova, L.V. Davydenko, A.V. Shmyrova Predicting Strength of Titanium Alloys Using Aluminum and Molybdenum Equivalents at Operating Temperatures |
2_2_8 | Логинов Ю.Н., Замараева Ю.В., Комкова Д.А. Деформации при угловом прессовании полосы из цилиндрической заготовки |
2_2_9 | A.A. Malanov, G.A. Orlov Development of Calibration Knives for Hot Cutting Shears |
2_2_11 | A.A. Gruzdev, Yu.A. Morgunov, B.P. Saushkin Mechanism of EDM Intensification at Ultrasound Application |
2_2_12 | S.A. Tipalin, V.B. Belousov, N.F. Shpunkin Investigation of Uneven Properties of Stainless Steel 12Kh18N10T Depending on the Thickness of the Sheet |
2_2_15 | N.A. Astafeva, A.A. Balanovskiy, A.A. Pershina A Study of the Influence of Local Heat Treatment on the Structure of Welded Titanium Pipelines |
2_2_16 | S. Lezhnev, A. Naizabekov, E. Panin Radial-Shear Rolling as a New Technological Solution for Recycling Bar Scrap of Ferrous Metals |
2_2_17 | D.L. Pankratov, A.V. Shaparev Truck Synchronizer Rings Recovery by Plastic Deformation Technology |
2_2_18 | Y.G. Kalpin, S.A. Tipalin, V.A. Ryabov Aspects of Superplasticity of Metals |
2_2_19 | A.S. Lileev Analysis of Remagnetization Processes of High-Anisotropic Alloy after Heat Treatment |
2_2_20 | T.H. Nguyen, Yu.V. Konyukhov, V.M. Nguyen Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Various Sintered Pellets with Nano-additives |
2_2_23 | V.N. Shinkin On Question of Metals’ Plasticity |
2_2_24 | R.V. Gavariev, E.N. Soldatkina, K.N. Gavarieva Effect of Coatings on the Performance of Injection Molds |
2_2_25 | A.А. Baron, L.V. Palatkina, S.V. Palatkin Application of the Hydraulic Diameter of Interdendritic Space for Calculating the Ultimate Tensile Strength of Gray Cast Iron |
2_2_26 | Y.N. Loginov, Y.V. Zamaraeva, D.A. Komkova Strains Under Angular Pressing of a Strip from a Cylindrical Billet |
2_2_27 | V.N. Malikov, A.V. Ishkov Using Ultra-Miniature Eddy Current Transducer for Searching for Corrosion Defects in Steel Pipes |
2_2_28 | O.N. Petrova , S.V. Belikov, Yu.V. Slukin Effect of Heat Treatment on the Structure and Properties of the Carburized Layer of the Legs of Three-ball Drill Bits |
2_2_29 | A.V. Stolbovsky, P.Y. Shirshova Application of Thermodynamic Modeling for Optimization of the Composition of Nanostructured Low-Alloyed Hafnium Bronzes by High-Pressure Torsion |
2_2_30 | O.V. Klukvin, A.K. Savchenko, A.O. Alibagandov Study of the Main Reasons for the Consumption of Graphite Electrodes in Electric Arc Steel Furnaces |
2_2_31 | S.M. Belskiy, I.I. Shopin, A.A. Safronov Improving Efficiency of Rolling Production by Predicting Negative Technological Events |
2_2_32 | N.V. Nemchinova, A.V. Tuzov Issues of Operating Induction Furnaces in the Context of Mounting Prebaked Anodes in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells |
2_2_33 | V.S. Tsepelev, Yu.N. Starodubtsev, Ye.A. Kochetkova Relationship Between Kinematic Viscosity and Cluster Size in Multicomponent Metal Melts |
2_2_34 | D.A. Baranov, A.A. Parkin, S.S. Zhatkin Analysis of Defects at Laser Welding of Heat-Resistant Alloy KhN45VMTYuBR |
2_2_35 | V.V. Devyatiarova, E.E. Balakhnina, L.M. Valeeva Development of a Mathematical Model for a Workpiece Heating and Cooling in a Protective Medium while Treatment under Pressure |
2_2_36 | V.S. Muratov, N.S. Yakimov The Surface Hardening of Parts of Liquid Dampers Made of High-Strength Steels |
2_2_37 | N.N. Klochkova, A.V. Obuchova, A.N. Protsenko Specially Designed Induction Heating System for Ball Hardening |
2_2_38 | T.T. Kondratenko, S.M. Gorbatuyk, A.N. Pashkov Development of a Non-Planar Semiconductor Diode Design |
2_2_39 | A.B. Naizabekov, D.V. Kuis, A.V. Kasperovich Microstructure Evolution and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Nickelide During Pressing in Equal-Channel Angular Matrix with Quasi-Small Angle of Channels Intersection |
2_2_40 | M.V. Konstantinova, E.A. Guseva, N.A. Astafeva The Use of Silicon Production Waste as an Effective Additive in the Manufacture and Machining of Various Materials |
2_2_41 | O.S. Anishchenko, V.V. Kukhar, E.S. Klimov Nickel-Based Slag-Remelted Superalloy for Ti-Alloys Isothermal Forging Die-Tool |
2_2_42 | S.S. Belskii, M.V. Chantsev Industrial Production Technology for Aluminium Paste |
2_2_43 | M.D. Kazyaev, E.V. Kiselev, A.M. Vokhmyakov Continuous Uncooled Walking Beam Furnace for Copper Alloy Cast Blank Heating |
2_2_44 | V.V. Dragobetskii, M.E. Taranenko, V.D. Kulynych Explosive Stamping Goals and Objectives Historical Transformation (to the 70th Anniversary of KhAI Scientific School) |
2_2_45 | I.V. Artamonova, I.G. Gorichev, E.B. Godunov Determining the Metal Corrosion Rate by Various Techniques and Comparison of the Results |
2_2_46 | D.N. Gurulev, L.V. Palatkina The Study of the Metal`s Flow Distribution during Rolling in Cutout Strikers for Different Schemes of the Stress State |
2_2_47 | Iu.V. Savchenko, A.A. Shapoval, Ya.S. Paleshko Simulation of New Multilayer Waveguides by Explosion Welding |
2_2_48 | S.O. Nepryakhin , O.V. Vodopyanova Research the Effect of Speed Mismatch during Continuous Rolling on the Plasticity Margin |
2_2_49 | Плешивцев К.Н., Шешуков О.Ю., Метелкин А.А. исследование движения металла в системе циркуляционный вакууматор – сталеразливочный ковш с целью стабилизации теплового режима разливки на машинах непрерывного литья заготовок |
2_2_50 | I.N. Egorov, N.Ya. Egorov, S.I. Egorova Milling Duration Influence on Strontium Hexaferrite Technological Characteristics |
2_2_51 | V.V. Berezovskaya, E.A. Merkushkin, K.A. Mamchits Structure and Phase Transformations in High Nitrogen and High Interstitial Steels of Different Alloying Systems. Short Review |
2_2_52 | A.V. Sulitsin, R.K. Mysik, V.V. Morgunov Technology of the Contact Wire Manufacture for High-speed Railways |
2_2_53 | S.V. Brusnitsyn, I.A. Gruzdeva, V.V. Morgunov To the Issue of Low-alloyed Copper Alloys for Contact Wires |
2_2_54 | A.V. Stolbovsky, S.A. Murzinova Specific Features of Statistical Analysis of Relative Grain Boundary Energies Obtained by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy |
2_2_55 | P.O. Bykov, A.B. Kuandykov, A.K. Zhunusov Refining of Primary Aluminum from Vanadium |
2_2_57 | D.Sh. Nukhov, A.O. Tolkushkin Development of Advanced Technologies for the Production of Innovative Materials with a Submicrocrystalline Structure by Methods of Severe Plastic Deformation |
2_2_58 | P.P. Poleckov, O.A. Nikitenko, A.S. Kuznetsova Effects of Heat Treatment on Microstructure Parameters, Mechanical Properties and Cold Resistance of Sparingly Alloyed High-Strength Steel |
2_2_59 | I.S. Loginova, N.A. Popov, A.N. Solonin Liquation and Crystallization Cracks in Aluminum Alloy AA2024 During Selective Laser Melting |
2_2_60 | A.V. Berezovskiy, M.P. Shalimov, E.B. Votinova The Repair of Defects in High-Manganese Steel Castings by Welding Technology |
2_2_61 | M.V. Maisuradze, M.A. Ryzhkov, A.Yu. Zhilyakov Phase Transformations and Microstructure of the Alloyed Steels for Mining Application |
2_2_62 | M.V. Maisuradze, M.A. Ryzhkov, D.I. Lebedev Mechanical Properties of a Mild-Alloy Steel for Aerospace Engineering |
2_2_63 | A.R. Khalikov, S.V. Dmitriev Simulation of Thermal Cooling Curves in the Process to Ordering Alloys by the Monte Carlo Method |
2_2_64 | B.P. Yur?ev, V.A. Dudko Thermodynamic Analysis of Siderite Ore Carbonate Decomposition Process at Roasting |
2_2_65 | B.P. Yur`ev, V.I. Matyukhin, V.A. Dudko Use of Lebedinsky Mining and Processing Works Overburden Chalkstone for Iron-Ore Pellet Fluxing |
2_2_67 | A.I. Cherepanov, V.A. Kukartsev, V.S. Tynchenko Thermal Analysis of Al-5Ti1-1B Ligature |
2_2_68 | A.I. Cherepanov, V.A. Kukartsev, V.V. Kukartsev Study of the Boron Effect on the Physicochemical Properties of Ligatures |
2_2_69 | V.M. Shumyacher, S.A. Kryukov, N.V. Baidakova Methodology for Evaluation of Treated Steels and Alloys in Abrasive Processing |
2_2_70 | A.A. Tyutrin, A.E. Burdonov, K.S. Bushuev Expanding the Application Scope of Fine Dust from Petroleum Coke Calcining Furnaces in Aluminum Production |
2_2_73 | E.A. Smirnova, I.A. Eliseeva, A.N. Shapovalov The Degassing Laws for Railway Wheel Steel in a Vacuum Tank Degasser |
2_2_74 | M.V. Koryachko, D.E. Pshonkin, A.A. Skvortsov Features of melt droplet formation during electrical destruction aluminum films on the semiconductor surface |
2_2_75 | L.A. Ayvazyan, N.K. Nikoli, A.N. Shapovalov Improvement the Round Bloom Continuous Casting Technology at JSC “Ural Steel” |
2_2_76 | N. Kosdauletova, V.E. Roshchin Solid-Phase Reduction and Separation of Iron and Phosphorus from Manganese Oxides in Ferromanganese Ore |
2_2_77 | A.A. Zvereva, V.A. Shunin, R.S. Voinkov, K.L. Timofeev Fine Silver Powders Production |
2_2_78 | N.E. Agarova, L.M. Yakovleva, R.S. Voinkov, K.L. Timofeev Fine Copper Powders Production |
2_2_79 | O.V. Nechvoglod, S.V. Sergeeva, I.S. Abaturov Granulometric Characteristics Study for the Particles of the Cu2-xS – Fex+1S System |
2_2_80 | D.R. Ganin, D.A. Dolganov, E.A. Fuks Technology and Equipment for Sintering of Iron-Ore Materials by Adding Brown Iron Ores as Pulp during Sinter Mix Pelletizing at Ural Steel, JSC |
2_2_81 | A.A. Babenko, L.A. Smirnov, A.G. Upolovnikova Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Sulfur and Boron Distribution between the Slag of the CaO-SiO2-B2O3-MgO-Al2O3 System and the Metal |
2_2_82 | A.A. Babenko, R.R. Shartdinov, A.G.Upolovnikova Effect of Basicity and Boron Oxide in Slags of the AOD Process on the Equilibrium Interphase Distribution of Sulfur and Boron |
2_2_83 | A.S. Atamashkin, E.Y. Priymak, E.A. Kuzmina Influence of Rotary Friction Welding Parameters on Tensile Strength and Length of TMAZ of Dissimilar Welded Joints from 32G2 and 40KhN Steels |
2_2_84 | O.V. Slautin, D.V. Pronichev, E.V. Kuzmin Investigation of the Influence of Ultrasound Action on Diffusion Processes in an Explosion-Welded Bimetal System Cu-Al during Heat Treatment |
2_2_85 | L.B. Tolymbekova, K.S. Yersain, A.A. Kamenov Technologies for the Production of Non-Annealed Pellets |
2_2_86 | A.G. Illarionov, O.A. Koemets, S.V. Grib Aging of the OT4-VT23, VT6-VT23, VT19-VT23 Titanium Welded Pairs |
2_2_87 | F.V. Vodolazskiy, A.G. Illarionov, N.A. Shirinkina Microstructure, Phase Composition, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Titanium Alloy VT23 Hot-Extruded Tube |
2_2_88 | P.O. Bykov, M.Zh. Tussupbekova, D.R. Absolyamova Research of the Process of Production of Steel Square Continuous Billets for Rolling Balls of Large Diameter |
2_2_89 | A.A. Solovyev, V.V. Rybin Influence of Laser Radiation on Movement of Dislocations in Silicon Single Crystals |
2_2_90 | E.A. Merkushkin, V.V. Berezovskaya, M.A. Serzhanin Regularities of the Influence of Substitutional and Interstitial Alloying Elements on the Corrosion Properties of Austenitic Stainless Steels |
2_2_91 | S.Yu. Maksimov, O.M. Berdnikova, E.A. Prilipko Analytical Evaluation of Strengthening, Local Internal Stresses and Microderformations in Welded Joint Metal During Wet Underwater Welding |
2_2_93 | A.K. Zhunussova, A.E. Kenzhebekova, A.K. Zhunusov Recycling of Metallurgical Wastes |
2_2_100 | Sergei Faizov, Aleksandr Sarafanov, Ivan Erdakov, Dmitry Gromov, Alexandra Svistun, Lev Glebov, Vitaly Bykov, Anastasia Bryk and Liudmila Radionova On the Direct Extrusion of Solder Wire from 52In-48Sn Alloy |
| Section 2.3. Chemical and Hydrometallurgical Technologies |
2_3_1 | М.V. Shubina, E.S. Makhotkina Analysis of the Leaching Stage Effect on the Vanadium Extraction from Technogenic Raw Materials |
2_3_2 | G.M. Kurunina, O.M. Ivankina, G.M. Butov Hydrogenation of Para-Nitrotoluene on Catalytic Systems Containing Oxides of Rare Earth Elements |
2_3_3 | N.V. Nemchinova, A.A. Tyutrin, M.N. Dolgikh Study of the Properties of Dust from the Production of Prebaked Anodes for its Use as a Reducing Agent in Silicon Smelting |
2_3_5 | A.V. Nikanorov Improvement of the Technology of Fluorine Recovery from Solid Waste of Primary Aluminum Production |
2_3_7 | I.V. Pchelnikov, A.I. Vergunov, A.Y. Cherkesov Production Tests of the Don Water Purification and Disinfection Technology |
2_3_9 | J.A. Napol?skikh, A.A. Shoppert, I.V. Loginova The Optimization of Sc Recovery from Red Mud Obtained by Water-Leaching and Bauxite-Sintering Product |
2_3_10 | V.I. Bobkov, M.V. Chernovalova, A.M. Sokolov Mathematical Models for an Energy Intensive Multistage Roasting Process of Pelletized Industrial Waste from Apatite-Nepheline Ores |
2_3_11 | O.Yu. Makovskaya, N.I. Bryantseva Nickel Sorption from Sulphate Solutions of Oxidized Nickel Ores Leaching |
2_3_12 | V.I. Salamatov, O.V. Salamatov, D.Yu. Zabolotnyaya To the Issue of Mathematical Modeling of the Red Mud Thickening Process |
| Section 2.4. Surface Engineering and Coatings |
2_4_1 | I.A. Kurnoskin, S.E. Krylova, A.Yu. Plesovskikh Development of Hardening Technology for Oil and Gas Pumping and Compressor Equipment using Laser Hardening |
2_4_3 | V.R. Baraz, S.Kh. Estemirova, E.A. Ishina The Influence of Friction Deformation on the Microstructure and Hardening of Beryllium Bronze |
2_4_4 | V.P. Smolentsev, N.N. Nenakhov, N.S. Potashnikova Technology of Electrochemical and Mechanical Processing of Machine Parts |
2_4_5 | O.V. Kudryakov, V.N. Varavka, D.S. Manturov Effective Wear Resistance Parameters of Ion-Plasma Tribological Coatings |
2_4_7 | I.A. Savin Laser Hardening of Stamps in the Conditions of a Large Engineering Company |
2_4_9 | V.G. Gusev, V.V. Morozov, D.I. Gavrilov Hardness of The Powder Coating PG-CP4 Applied to Steel 40H13 and Subjected Laser Treatment |
2_4_10 | A.V. Shaparev Contact Surfaces Preparation in Manufacturing of Bimetallic Strips CuZn10 Brass - C22E Steel - CuZn10 Brass |
2_4_11 | I.S. Safronov, A.I. Ushakov Targeted Alternation in Properties of Solid Amorphous-Nanocrystalline Material in Exposing to Nanosecond Laser Radiation |
2_4_12 | A.M. Kadyrmetov, D.A. Popov, Ye.V. Snyatkov Multiple Reflow Influence over the FeCoCrAlTiCuNiMo Coating Obtained by Plasma Metallization on its Wear Resistance under Dry Friction |
2_4_13 | E. A. Chekalova, A.V. Zhuravlev Increased Wear Resistance of High-Speed Tools Due to Diffusion Discrete Oxidation |
2_4_14 | V. V. Morozov, V. G. Gusev, A. V. Morozov Friction Coefficient of the Coating PG-CP4 Sprayed to 40H13 Steel by Plasma and Processed by Laser |
2_4_16 | I.S. Safronov, A.A. Neplueva, I.V. Ushakov Mechanical Properties of Laser Treated Thin Sample of an Amorphous-Nanocrystalline Metallic Alloy Depending on the Initial Annealing Temperature |
2_4_17 | R.V. Gavariev, K.N. Gavarieva The Principle of Choosing the Composition of the Protective Coating for Die Casting Molds |
2_4_18 | E.N. Eremin, S.A. Guchenko, V.M. Yurov Application of Multi-Element Targets for the Formation of High Entropy Coatings |
2_4_19 | E.N. Eremin, A.S. Losev, S.A. Borodikhin Heat Resistance of Steel N8G6M3FTB Obtained by Surfacing Cored Wire |
2_4_20 | A.D. Legky, V.N. Zlobin, A.S. Kudashev Modification of Titanium Surface by Ion Implantation |
2_4_21 | V.G. Shmorgun, A.I. Bogdanov, V.P. Kulevich Structure and Phase Composition of the Al-Ti System Composites after Heat Treatment |
2_4_22 | V.P. Kulevich, O.V. Slautin, V.O. Kharlamov Evaluation Of The Heat Resistance Of The Fe-Cr-Al System Coatings |
2_4_23 | R.V. Chkalov, D.G. Chkalova Collection of Laser Ablation Products by Means of an Electrostatic Field |
2_4_24 | R.V. Chkalov, D.G. Chkalova Pulsed Laser Deposition of Thin-Film Coatings in an Electrostatic Field |
2_4_25 | V.G. Shmorgun, A.I. Bogdanov, D.V. Shcherbin Formation Of The Diffusion Zone In Explosion Welded Composite Cr20Ni80 - AD1 At Liquid-Phase Interaction |
2_4_26 | R.F. Gallyamova, R.L. Safiullin, F.F. Musin Formation of TiO2 Coating by the Sol-Gel on Carbon Fibers |
2_4_27 | кучумова и.д., кучумова и.д., батраев и.с. Трибологические свойства детонационных покрытий из сплава Fe62Cr10Nb12B16 |
2_4_29 | V.S. Shikalov, V.F. Kosarev, D.M. Lemekhov Neutron-Shielding Al-B4C Coatings Cold Sprayed from Mechanical Powder Mixtures |
| Section 2.5. Processing and Controlling Technologies |
2_5_1 | N.I.Volgina, A.V. Shulgin, S.S. Khlamkova Confirmation of Hydrogen Embrittlement Mechanism for Stress Corrosion Cracking of Gas Main Lines |
2_5_2 | S.A. Bogomolova, I.V. Muravyeva Methods for the Determination of Chloride-Ion in Soils from the Territory of Nearby Metallurgical Enterprises: Guidelines for Selection |
2_5_3 | S.S. Vinogradova, R.F. Tazieva, A.N. Akhmetova Sacrificial Protection Efficiency Calculations Based on the Results of Stochastically Simulating the Parameters |
2_5_4 | A.V. Kochetkov, A.A. Troshin, O.V. Zakharov Surface Texture Measurement with Profile Method using Six-Axis Coordinate Measuring Machine |
2_5_6 | A.A. Redikultsev, S.I. Stepanov, M.L. Lobanov The Spectrum of Crystallographic Misorientations of Intercrystalline Boundaries for BCC-HCP Phase Transformation in Additively Manufactured Ti-6Al-4V |
2_5_7 | V.I. Kolesnikov, T.V. Suvorova, O.A. Belyak Modeling Mechanical Properties of Multilayer Coatings TiAlN |
2_5_8 | A.Yu. Yaroslavkin, E.A. Tyurin, D.A. Melnikova Research of the Wood’s Alloy Crystallization Process Using the Acoustic Method |
2_5_10 | E.V. Terent?ev, A.Yu. Marchenkov, K.T. Borodavkina Influence of Residual Stresses on the Weld Metal Hardness of 5V Titanium Alloy |
2_5_11 | I.P. Balabanov, V.D. Mogilevets, A.I. Savina Influence of Natural Vibration Frequencies in the Analysis on Vibration Resistance of Steel Supporting Parts of a Car |
2_5_12 | L.G. Kolyada, A.P. Ponomarev, E.V. Tarasyuk On the Issue of Safety of Multilayer Protective Angle Pieces for Metal Products Packaging |
2_5_14 | Овсянников Б.Л. Особенности тепловых процессов на электродах при электроэрозионной микрообработке |
2_5_15 | I.N. Odintsev, T.P. Plugatar, A.A. Apalkov Determining Residual Stresses in Weld Joints of DN 850 Pipes by Spot Drilling Combined with Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry |
2_5_18 | O.B. Bavykin, R.N. Loginov Comparison of Non-Destructive Testing Techniques |
2_5_20 | Г.С. Морокина Радиационный контроль объектов малой толщины |
2_5_21 | A.A. Yuzhakova, D.D. Salimgareev, L.V. Zhukova Methods for Properties Analysis of Crystalline Materials Based on Solid Solutions of Silver and Thallium (I) Halides |
2_5_23 | L. Ryabicheva, V. Dyadichev, D. Reshetnyak Modeling a Free Burnishing of a Powder Hollow Cylinder |